School Counseling Belief Statements
- All students have the right to be served by the school counseling program.
- All students should be treated with respect no matter their race, ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, etc.
- All students' ethnic, cultural and racial differences, and special needs are considered in the planning and implementation of the school counseling program.
- The school counseling program should be consistent with the developmental stages of learning.
- All students will have access to the school counselor to address personal/social needs, academic achievement and career planning.
- The school counseling program is planned, coordinated, delivered, evaluated, and facilitated by state-certified counselors.
- Counselors will advocate for all students with special attention to barriers that impede student learning.
- All students have the ability to learn and have the right to take advantage of quality educational opportunities provided.
- An ongoing program of counselor compentency training and retraining is necessary to maintain a quality school counseling program.